Porsche creates Car star Sally Carrera for charity auction

Porsche and Pixar have created a special version of Sally Carrera from Cars. Photos: Porsche

Porsche and Pixar Animation Studios have unveiled a very special Porsche inspired by one of the most popular 911s: Sally Carrera from the animated film Cars.

The 911 Sally Special is one of a kind and will be auctioned by RM Sotheby's on Saturday, 20 August as part of Monterey Car Week in California. 

Auction proceeds will be donated to two charities including Girls Inc and USA for UNHCR, an organisation that supports refugees from Ukraine.

“Vehicles need a face and a story. And the animated Pixar's film Cars has impressively transferred done just that: brought cars to life on the big screen,” says Dr. Sebastian Rudolph, Vice President of Communications, Sustainability and Politics at Porsche AG.

“The story conveys values such as friendship, love, and mutual support - and in the middle of it all is a Porsche: 'Sally Carrera'. 

The Porsche 911 Sally Special is one of a kind and will be auctioned by RM Sotheby's on Saturday.

“Together with Pixar, we have brought the spirit of Sally to life in a new way, not on the screen, but off the screen. With this one-off street legal 911, the "Sally Special", which we are auctioning for charity, we want to help people who urgently need support, quite in keeping with the spirit of the film character.”

The project began in November 2021 and united members of the original Cars team that brought both the film character and life-size Sally Carrera to life more than 20 years ago. 

“We had great fun creating 911 Sally Special and it's the first time we've worked on a project of this kind," said Jay Ward, Creative Director of Franchise of Pixar Animation Studios. 

“We decided early on that we wanted to create a completely drivable 911 – inspired by Sally Carrera, but just not an exact copy. Sally Carrera loves to drive – that was our inspiration. We asked ourselves: if Sally were built today as a road-approved model, what would she look like?"

The Porsche 911 Sally Special even has Sally’s tattoo.

The 911 Sally Special is based on the fastest and most agile variant of the 911 Carrera model line, the 480-PS 911 Carrera GTS. 

“The car is equipped with a manual gearbox, tapping into Sally Carrera's passion for driving,” explains Boris Apenbrink, Director Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur vehicles.

“The customisation elements are detailed and extensive … it is painted in Sallybluemetallic, a custom paint that was hand-applied specifically for this project. We also thought of Sally's tattoo, of course. Implementing that was a very special challenge." 

The auction will also feature a special indoor car cover from Porsche Tequipment, a wheel rack with an additional wheelset consisting of Carrera Exclusive Design wheels, a book on the development and production of the one-off model, and original drawings by designers Shuichi Yamashita and Bob Pauley.


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