Study: Using infotainment screen worse than drug driving
Using your car’s infotainment screen is worse than driving under the influence of cannabis and five times worse than drink driving at legal limit, according to a new study.
The study by IAM RoadSmart in the UK, says its investigation showed that in-vehicle infotainment systems are impacting significantly on driving performance.
When drivers use such systems as Apple CarPlay or Android Auto, stopping distance, lane control and response to traffic is “all negatively affected”.
The reaction times of drivers tested was significantly slower than someone who had used cannabis and five times worse than someone driving at the legal limit of alcohol consumption.
The study – commissioned by the UK’s largest independent road-safety charity, IAM RoadSmart, found that reaction times at motorway speeds increased average stopping distances to between four and five car lengths.
The study also found that drivers took their eyes off the road for as long as 16 seconds while driving (equivalent to a distance of more than 500 metres at 110km/h), and using touch control resulted in reaction times that were even worse than texting while driving.
Commenting on the alarming findings, Neil Greig, policy and research director, IAM RoadSmart, said: “Driver distraction is estimated to be a factor in around a third of all road collisions in Europe each year.
“While previous research indicates that Apple CarPlay and Android Auto perform better than more traditional buttons and controls, the results from this latest study raise some serious concerns about the development and use of the latest in-vehicle infotainment systems.
“Anything that distracts a driver’s eyes or mind from the road is bad news for road safety,” he said.
“We’re now calling on the industry and UK government to openly test and approve such systems and develop consistent standards that genuinely help minimise driver distraction.”
The study had drivers not interact with the system then on subsequent runs, use the system via voice control only, and then using touch control only.
Both voice and touch methods were found to significantly distract drivers, however touchscreen control proved the more distracting of the two.