Tesla’s Elon Musk on track to be richest man

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Elon Musk had the makings of the richest man in the world, I have always felt and now that hunch is increasingly coming true.

Tesla’s share price has tripled this year sending him to a net worth of US$72.3 billion (NZ$11b) and he briefly became the fifth richest in the world on 20 July.

Tesla’s ascending share price means that the car giant’s average trailing market capitalisation over six months will exceed US$200 billion in the third quarter, which will trigger a US$2 billion payout for Musk in the third quarter. 

This will have Musk hurtling through his third incentive payout of a possible 12 tranches. If he makes it all the way he could end up US$50 billion wealthier, based on current share prices. 

Many variables need to collide for him to reach all markers however Tesla and it’s product base and the hype around the company is all remarkably well timed for the era we live in.  Let’s see what the future holds.


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