HOW TO | Prepare your car for a road trip
Book your vehicle in for a service now with a mechanic, rather than leave it to Christmas. Photo: Supplied
Summer is nearly here and the Christmas holidays will be upon us before you can start singing Wham’s Last Christmas. So now is the time to prepare your vehicle for the long road trip.
While you’ve already booked your bach or campsite, it’s also important to book your car in for service now, rather than wait until December 24.
Here are some tips from the Automobile Association of NZ for getting your vehicle ready.
During a Warrant of Fitness (WoF) inspection, tyres are one of the most obvious areas of neglect, as there’s greater opportunity for them to develop uneven wear or become worn out completely within 12 months.
Check tyre pressures, and don’t forget to also check your spare! Under-inflated tyres use more fuel and therefore cost you more money. You can quickly measure the tread on your tyres by using a 20c piece; measuring from the bottom of the coin to the ‘20’ or writing edge is approximately 2mm.
If you have this depth of tread you are within the guidelines, but you’ll need to get them replaced soon, as 1.5mm is the minimum legal depth to pass your WoF.
Run your hand around the circumference of the tyre to check for cuts, bulges and uneven wear. If unsure, consult a tyre professional to help ease your mind - you may even need a wheel alignment and balance if you’ve not had one in the last 12 months.
Clean all glass, including your mirrors. Ensure your wiper blades are in good condition, and if in doubt invest in some new ones. Make sure your windscreen washer fluid is topped up and fresh detergent has been added. If you have a crack on your windscreen, get it repaired before you hit the road as heat and travel may cause it to increase in size.
Check that all your lights are working, and all lenses are clean. Holiday times are all about being safe and seen.
Cooling system
Make sure your system operates as it should. If you have to regularly top it up, get it seen to before hitting the road. Things will only get worse if you don’t.
Our trailers, boats, or caravans aren’t normally used as frequently as our vehicles, and things may have deteriorated whilst they weren’t being used. Always check the wheel bearings of your trailer or caravan to make sure they’re not loose or noisy, and make sure you’re carrying a spare tyre for them. Always ensure that all lights and indicators are operating correctly.
It’s important to remember to check the engine oil level and top it up if required before heading off on a long road trip. Ensure that you account for your travel distance, and if the distance you’re due to cover on your road trip will take you into your next service interval, arrange to have your vehicle serviced before you head off.